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The 40 day Treasure Hunt for Joy Challenge

I have been pondering over an interesting thought that has been planted in my head _ “peace, creativity and joy are possible for everyone .”

As I was reading “ The Book of Joy” by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, I realised that the capacity of joy is so deeply entrenched in our human psyche and yet most of us get pulled into the negatives in our life

As I ponder over the words of these two great stalwarts, I take a pledge today – to consciously cultivate joy in my thoughts, in my thinking, in my feelings and my behaviour so the pursuit of joy is not a one-off thing to be done when things are not going my way but just as a simple daily practice, like brushing my teeth, twice daily.

I am going to try it for 40 days continuously, by journaling about it, documenting each small moment of joy in my life, at the end of the day.

How about you? Would you like to join me for this “ 40 day Treasure Hunt for Joy challenge”?

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